Knowledge Sharing Space

Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences (FSKM) of Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) organized a ‘Knowledge Sharing Space’ talk with the aim to highlight the issue of how to sustain the productivity and the technological capabilities in facilitating user affairs during Covid19 pandemic. This talk was presented by two invited panels which are Mr. Nasrul Rizal Abd Rashid, Business Director and Technology Consultant from TM One Telekom Malaysia, and Mr. Mohd Firdaus Mohamed Khairi, the developer of MySejahtera Apps from Malaysia Ministry of Health. This talk has been conducted on 13 June 2020, Saturday from 8.30am to 12.00pm through the Google Meet platform at

 The first talk was presented by Mr. Nasrul Rizal Abd Rashid on topic “Sustaining Productivity – Amidst Covid19 Pandemic”. In the beginning, Mr. Nasrul highlighted on how the world and Malaysia citizens cope with the pandemic. From his sharing, it is known that the norm of Malaysian is now changing due to the impact of Covid19 towards this country. In addition, he explained on how to stay productive in business even we had to face the crisis as within every crisis, lies opportunity. According to Mr. Nasrul, remote working arrangements and social distancing measures have unleashed creativity amongst Malaysians to stay connect with one another without compromising on quality interactions. Malaysians can adapt to and leverage new modes of online interactions using new applications, platforms and filers to build social link and provide new ways to connect.

Malaysian Telco Provider (TM) has contributed in providing strong support to the nation’s command centre and essential services for public sectors, private sectors and the customers to stay connect to one another. Their network teams always prepare to ensure the nation can stay connected and they also perform various upgrades through its scalable solution. Apart from that, this situation has become a step up on digital transformation on most organizations and the uses of digital platforms encourage innovative solutions to deliver output and optimize performance on businesses. All citizens now must be ready in adopting the new normal in their life to ensure their productivity and safety can be sure. Remote working, digitalized process and many other use of technology have delivered the real possibility of a different lifestyle and produce more effective ways of working to most people.

The second talk was presented by Mr. Mohd Firdaus Mohamed Khairi on topic “Harnessing the Power of Smart Apps during Covid19 Pandemic”. He explained about the current introduced application which has actively been used during this crisis which is MySejahtera Apps. MySejahtera is a community based application developed through strategic cooperation between the National Security Council (MKN), Ministry of Health (MOH), Administrative Modernization and Management Planning Unit (MAMPU), Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) and Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI). According to Mr. Mohd Firdaus, till 10th June 2020, there are up to 2.7 million of people who have become the user of MySejahtera Apps.

The objectives of this application is to assist in monitoring the spread of COVID-19 outbreaks in the country by enabling users to carry out self-health assessments, identify nearby hospitals and clinics for COVID-19 screening and treatment, and assist the government in resolving the next infection chain in the COVID-19 outbreak. At the same time, it helps the Ministry of Health Malaysia (MOH) get early information to take action quickly and effectively. The other highlighted issue by Mr. Mohd Firdaus is regarding the digital responses which involve the community engagement, operational efficiency, insight and foresight, and infrastructure upgrade. All of these digital responses were really useful in ensuring Malaysia is performing the best for the sake of all citizens.

Overall, the talk sessions from both panels are really informative and useful for all of the audiences as it gave them new knowledge about the related Covid19 pandemic issue that affects our world recently. The total of more than one hundred audiences for both talk sessions responded positively and leaving the sessions with positive comments. It is hope that this kind of knowledge sharing talk can be continuously done in the future as it gives plenty of good benefits to the participants.

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